According to traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture stimulates and moves our Qi, a form of life energy that must flow through the body, 24/7. When it doesn’t, illness and bodily malfunctions such as infertility happen.
If you are infertile, don’t let that worry you. Don’t give up hope. Let our medical professionals help you with our safe and effective acupuncture and physical therapy.
We can provide you with exercises and sessions that will help stimulate your blood flow, as well as to help restore the normal motion of organs with decreased motility. Through our therapy sessions, your central nervous system will stimulate a local tissue response that will increase the signal in the brain that can positively influence the ovary and uterus, thus promoting hormone production and regulation and easing pain from menstrual cramps.
Should you need our assistance, please let us know! You can contact us during our business hours.