Wellness Health Acupuncture & Physical Therapy delivers a wide range of services you can choose from. No matter what ailment you might be experiencing, we have a remedy for you. We want you to feel relief as soon as you can so that you may continue to live life comfortably without further difficulties. To give you relief, we can perform acupuncture and physical therapy in our acupuncture clinic in Ocoee, Florida.
Acupuncture therapy, or simply acupuncture, is the process where a professional acupuncturist inserts fine needles into your body’s meridians. These needles trigger pressure points in your body to release stress, promote blood flow, relax the muscles, and more. This traditional Chinese medicine is known to have numerous benefits for the body, including the ones stated above.
Physical therapy, on the other hand, is where a certified physical therapist will help you in regaining your strength and mobility. This is usually given to people who have suffered from a stroke, an accident or are generally in need of immediate help to get back their strength and independence. Exercises and activities that will promote muscle activity will be performed, depending on your condition.
We give relief to the following:
Our clinic can also relieve you from:
- Neck and Back Pain
- Digestive Disorders
- Neurological Disorders
- Urinary and Reproductive Disorders
- Asthma
- Allergies
- Sinusitis
- Menstrual Cramps
Should you need to avail of any of our services above, please feel free to get in touch with us anytime! We will be more than happy to help you with any pain you are feeling.